Along with conveyor belt

Along with conveyor belt high and the United states of america and South Korea prepared to hold their massive yearly war games next week, that North Korea sees like a dress rehearsal for attack, Pyongyang is warning it is going to respond to any violations associated with its territory with "merciless" retaliation, including strikes upon Seoul and the US landmass.
"Military First" is the nationwide motto of North Korea, which is ever wary of risks to its ruling routine and still technically at battle with Washington and Seoul. Nuclear-armed and boasting the actual world's fourth-largest military, it really is persistently seen as the biggest problem to the security status quo within East Asia, an image this loves to promote and displayed in an elaborate military celebration last October.
The combined South Korea-US military workouts are to begin March seven and last more than a 30 days. Tensions always go up once they do.
Pyongyang has put huge resources into building conveyor belt nuclear and razzo arsenals and maintaining the conventional forces. About five percent of its twenty four million people are on energetic military duty, and an additional 25-30 percent are in paramilitary or reserve units, expecting mobilization.
But just how powerful is Kim Jong Un's army?
Here's a look, depending on what AP reporters as well as photographers have seen on the ground and also the latest report to the US The legislature by the Office of the Admin of Defense:
THROUGH THE NUMBERS: 950, 000 soldiers, 4, 200 tanks, two, 200 armored vehicles, eight, 600 pieces of field cannon, 5, 500 multiple explode launchers.
BEHIND THE FIGURES: This is, and always has been, To the north Korea's real ace in the hole. While the threat to launch the nuclear attack on the ALL OF US mainland appears to be well past its current capabilities, switching the conveyor belt funds into a "sea of fire" is not.


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