conveyor belt has a staggering fourteen_Wire Mesh Factory丨SS Wire Mesh丨Conveyor Belt丨Nail丨Fiberglass Mesh

conveyor belt has a staggering fourteen
The united states conveyor belt has a staggering fourteen ballistic missile submarines having a combined 280 nuclear missiles that can each wipe out a good enemy city, four well guided missile submarines with 154 Tomahawk cruise missiles every, and 54 nuclear assault submarines. They’re technologically advanced, greatly armed, and stealthy.
The ussr has only 60 submarines but those are very able. Russia’s nuclear subs are in or near par using their Western counterparts for precautionary while their diesel vessels are some of the quietest on the planet.
Russia is also working on brand new submarine weapons including a 100-megaton, city-killing nuclear torpedo. In order to topmesh conveyor belt all off, their own crews were already great but are getting better.
China has only 5 nuclear attack submarines, 53 diesel attack submarines, and 4 nuclear ballistic missile submarines, but they’re working on much more. China’s subs are easy to monitor, but the US and its Pacific cycles allies are deploying advanced listening devices to keep track of all of them anyway.
Likely winner: The submarine fleet wins with regard to both power projection on to land and sub-on-sub fight, but the gap is slimming. Chinese and Russian improvements and the rapid construction within new shipyards will make the actual ocean a more dangerous location for American metal conveyor belt submariners.


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