China's Copper wire Manufacturer_Wire Mesh Factory丨SS Wire Mesh丨Conveyor Belt丨Nail丨Fiberglass Mesh

China's Copper wire Manufacturer
China's Copper wire Manufacturer T type copper mineral constantan thermocouple bare cable
Cu-CuNi thermocouple (type T) is Brass wire also named Cu-Constantan thermocouple. It is a very stable thermocouple and it is often used in extremely cold, frigidity, frigidness, coldness applications such as cryogenics or even ultra low freezers. It really is found in other laboratory conditions as well. The type T offers excellent repeatability between -380F to 392F (-200C in order to 200C).
Type T chemical substance Red copper wire composition:
Positive leg Cu(TP) pure Copper, Negative lower leg Constantan (TN) is Cu: Ni≈ 55%: 45%.
Kind T Temperature Range:
Thermocouple grade wire, -40~750 ℃(for short term) and 0~600℃( for long term)
Expansion wire, 32 to 392F (0 to 200C)
Sort T Phosphor bronze wire Tolerance:
Standard: ±0. 5℃/±0. 4%t


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