Chain Driven Conveyor Belt - Factory Since 1990 | Alex

Chain Driven Conveyor Belt - Factory Since 1990 | Alex

Chain driven conveyor belt is driven with a cross rod which connects the chain strands by either passing though or under the mesh fabric. The density of the fabric is choosen according to the size of product conveyed on the belt.

Chain driven conveyor belt is driven by sprockers, so the bending phenomenon is not occur. Various chains could be available after adjust the belt pitch. And it is easy to attach the side guard and stopper in combination with chain and cross rod.

Chain driven conveyor belt material:

Carbon steel;

Galvanized steel;

High temperature steel;

Stainless steel 304, 316 or 316L.

Chain driven conveyor belt applications:



Heat treat;


Metal work;

Lifting slings;

Food process;

quenching tank;

fryer and freezer;

Industry curtains;


Baking and curing;

washing and dryer machine.


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