Tourists wire mesh conveyor belt

In an act of wire mesh conveyor belt defiance, hundreds of tourists descended upon the beach at the Ostional Wildlife Refuge in Costa Rica and interrupted the nesting of olive ridley sea turtles, many of which were forced to return to sea without laying their eggs.

The ignorant and abhorrent behavior at the country’s second-most important nesting sites for olive ridley sea turtles was first reported by the Environment Ministry’s Workers Union (SITRAMINAE) and followed up by The Tico wire mesh conveyor belt Times.

People touched the sea turtles, stood atop of nests, snapped photos using flash, stood in the way of turtles, and even placed their children on top of the turtles for photos, refuge administrator Carolos Hernandez told La Nacion.

“Tourism is out of control,” William Borgest, one of many who were outraged, wrote on the SITRAMINAE Facebook page. “National and foreign tourists literally do what they want. They believe that the country is an amusement park with free access. There is no respect for the nature nor its wire mesh conveyor belt processes.”


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